For 27 years, until 1908, Mr Yeates carried out the duties of secretary and treasurer with a degree of efficiency which was beyond the reproach.
Mr. Yeates was succeeded as secretary and treasurer by Mr. L. Lamonby who held the joint office until 1910, and was treasurer until 1914. In 1911 Mr. Brewsher Whitehouse took on the secretaryship with Mr. H. P. Wilson succeeding him in 1912, and holding the office until 1914.
Then throughout the war years and from 1915 to 1919 the club lay dormant, as did all similar institutions during these tragic years. When in 1919, with the country at peace again , the members met with a view to resuscitating the club. Renewed efforts were mde to revive interest in the club and that these efforts were crowned with success is made evident by the fact that from the day it ha never looked back and the membership increased to the vast proportions to bring the club to the largest club in Britain.